
March 11, 2013

Strawberry, Peach, Banana Smoothie

Happy Day Light Savings Time! Yay, more sunlight in the days to come. As winter is coming to an end and spring is spouting forward, warm days are near. Smoothies are a favorite in this house when warm weather arrives and my family adores this combination of strawberry, peach, and banana. I hope you and your family will enjoy these refreshing flavors soon! Smoothies make breakfast a breeze and a wonderful snack choice between meals or after school.

strwberry, peach. banana smoothie

makes 5 cups

1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen strawberries

1 cup frozen peaches
frozen peaches

1 banana
1-2 TBS (or to taste) of raw sugar, or sugar of your choice
(depends on the sweetness of the fruit)
2 cups 1% milk, or any milk of your choice

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth!
If using fresh fruit add ice as needed to reach your desired consistency.


1 comment:

  1. I love this picture and strawberry peach bananas always a fav in our house too! Yum!
