
March 5, 2013

Honey I'm Sick Pops

I have 3 sick kiddos this week that are experiencing coughing, stuffy noses, and sore throats :(  Good thing I recently saw a recipe for honey lollipops over at
Fountain Avenue Kitchen.
I followed Ann's directions but added a little vanilla extract to my batch! Below is instructions to what I did and the outcome was wonderful! All my kids loved them and said the honey pops offered relief to their sore throats.
Honey and Cinnamon Pops

You Will Need:
1/2 cup honey (I use local honey)
1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional)
1/4 tsp vanilla
lollipop sticks

This batch made 18, this number will vary depending on how big or small you make your pops. You can always cut this recipe in half for a smaller recipe.

I chose to put cinnamon in my honey pops because I have been researching all the benefits honey and cinnamon provide together!

First, in a small sauce pan heat 1/2 cup of honey until the temperature reaches 300 degrees on a candy thermometer, stir occasionally.

If you do not have a candy thermometer Ann suggests
dropping a drip or two of honey into a bowl of very cold water. If the honey hardens into a ball, it is ready. If it remains soft to the touch, return to a boil.

Boiling Honey

Once your honey reaches 300 degrees quickly take off burner and then add cinnamon and vanilla extract. Stir until mixed well. Let the honey mixture cool for a few minutes and line two baking sheet with parchment paper.

Place lollipop sticks across the prepared baking sheets. If your lollipop sticks with not stay in place, dip in honey first and then place them on the baking sheet. Now with a spoon gently pour your desired amount of honey over the lollipop sticks. Let the honey pops cool completely.

Honey Pops

Do not give to children younger than one.
I suggest to give no more than 3 honey pops a day. Do not allow your children to chew on the honey sticks because it is hard on their teeth. Encourage your children to suck on the honey pops. Always supervise small children when eating any type of lollipops.

Individual wrap and use when needed!
After making this cute bouquet of honey pops, I thought what a nice surprise this would be to a family member or friend when they are not feeling well!

Honey and Cinnamon Pops

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