
June 5, 2013

3 Ingredient- Blackberry Mint Spritzer

As you can see mint is exploding in my garden and what better way to use it than in a Blackberry Mint Spritzer.


This refreshing summer time drink was initially designed by my lovely daughter, she is the drink and cupcake creator of the family! She is still in school this week, but wanted me to get this post up for everyone to enjoy :) I love all the combinations of this Blackberry Mint Spritzer, it is perfect for a warm summer night. I hope you and your family will enjoy this wonderful drink at your next outdoor gathering.

Blackberry Mint Spritzer

1- 2 liter of Sprite (or any other soda that is similar)
Place Sprite in the freezer for an hour or refrigerate overnight.
1/2 cup fresh mint, packed
2 1/4 cup of fresh blackberries

In a blender combine blackberries and mint, blend until well combined. Then slowly pour the soda in a gallon size pitcher. Place a fine mesh strainer over the pitcher and slowly pour the blackberry mixture into the strainer. Work the mixture through the strainer with a spoon to remove the blackberry seeds. Once the blackberry mixture has been strained stir slowly to combine all flavors. Then serve over ice and garnish with additional mint and blackberries.



  1. Mint has to be my favorite herb. If I ever move out of the city and have a yard I want to grow mint because it's the perfect compliment to drinks and dishes.

  2. I grow mint in a pot and bring it in winter. It grows very well.
