
May 20, 2013

Dreamsicle Cupcakes

Posted By: Christian (Audra’s daughter)
I have to admit here in Texas we have had a cooler spring than usual. However, with summer around the corner temps are beginning to rise, I find myself baking with more refreshing and cooler flavors. The cupcake I am about to share with you has been in my recipe book for awhile, since I was about fourteen. At that time in my  life I could not get enough Sunkist to drink, and I began using the citrus soda to bake with. I have not made this recipe in a while and last weekend I rediscovered it in my recipe book, and after tasting this refreshing cupcake I knew I had to share the recipe with my mother’s lovely readers. So lets get baking!

Yields 12 cupcakes
1/2 cup butter at room temp.
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cup flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup Sunkist
3 TBS half and half
1/2 TBS orange zest (1 large orange)

Cream Topping
1 cup heaving whipping cream
1/4 cup butter at room temp.
3-4 TBS powder sugar
1/2 TBS orange zest (1 large orange

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F . Line a muffin pan with paper liners.
2. In a medium bowl, cream together the sugar and butter. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, then add vanilla. In a small bowl, combine flour and baking powder, add to the creamed mixture and mix well. Then stir in the Sunkist and half and half until batter is smooth.  Pour or use an ice cream scoop to place batter into the prepared pan. Fill each muffin cup about 3/4 full

Dreamsicle Cupcakes
3. Bake 20 to 25 minutes.
Cupcakes are done when it springs back to the touch. Let cupcakes cool completely before applying icing.

Directions for icing:
Chill your mixing bowl and beaters in the freezer for about 10 minutes. Then the chilled large metal bow beat the butter and powder sugar together for about 1 minute. Then slowly add the heavy whipping cream and whip until stiff peaks form. Then stir in vanilla and orange zest. Now you are ready to top your Dreamsicle Cupcakes!
Refrigerate cupcakes until ready to serve. Enjoy!

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