
May 15, 2012

Tuesday's Kitchen Tip {how to make homemade bread crumbs}

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a fantastic day! Today I am going to let you in on a little secret on how to make homemade bread crumbs! If you do not already know this trick, you will be amazed. I am thankful my grandparents let me in on this secret at an early age! It is so simple and easy,
I promise you will never buy store bought again.

Here we go...

All you need is 4 slices of toasted bread! That's right toasted bread :) You may use any bread of your choice, it just has to be toasted! You can cut the crust off if you like, but I leave mine on.


Then, tear your toast into small pieces, put into a blender. Only put in a few pieces at a time and blend, with the top on! If you use a food processer, pulse until you have...

Toast in blender

Bread Crumbs

My 4 slices made about a cup and went into these lovely basil and turkey meatballs for dinner last week!
Turkey Meatballs

Recipe coming soon!

Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day!


  1. I do this as well although I let it become stale rather than toasting, then I rub some garlic on it and crush :)
    Thanks for popping by my page - new follower

  2. Thanks for sharing this tip at See Ya In the Gumbo. I love ideas that use up leftovers, stale bread, etc.
