
March 7, 2012

Guest Post {Cherished Bliss}

Hello everyone! I’m Ashley… Audra’s YOUNGER sister.
I only emphasize YOUNGER because she’s NINE years older and well everyone either thinks we are the same age or that I’m older. I guess that’s just what you have to deal with though when you have a beautiful sister : ) (love you Audra!)

But really… I am her YOUNGER sister. Ok, I’m done this time : ) 

I wish I could post a picture of us together, but I think we are always the ones with the camera in our hands
Audra – we need a picture of us together! OK? ok! 


I’m so excited to be posting on my sister’s delicious blog while her husband is in town! I’m not near as good a cook as my sister… that’s why she has the food blog and I have the craft blog. BUT we did learn how to cook from the same person – our lovely mama : ) So I can cook…. I promise : )
I don’t want to scare you off from trying this recipe! 

A little while back my husband and I went on this diet (note to self, I’m just not a good dieter… I like food). Anyways, we basically couldn’t have any kind of sugar. Which means no marinade, no salad dressings.. you know all that good stuff. There was a recipe for some homemade BBQ sauce that I found, I made it a while back when my husband was on the diet without me, and it wasn’t very good. So I took the base ingredients and made my own seasonings and well.. I hate to toot my own horn, but TOOT TOOT. This stuff is delicious.. doesn’t feel like you are on a diet at all! It’s not really for dipping… it’s pretty stout, so I would suggest just cooking with it. 

(This makes enough for about 2lbs of meat)

- 6 oz. of canned Tomato Paste
- 1/8 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1/4 cup Vinegar
- 2 tsp. liquid smoke
- 1 1/2 tsp. Worcestershire Sauce
- 3 cloves Minced Garlic 

-1 tsp. Truvia
- 2 tsp. Minced Onion (dehydrated)
- Garlic and herb seasoning to taste
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- Juice of 1 lemon

{Make it}

Combine all your ingredients in a saucepan, and set the temperature to a medium-low setting.
Combine BBQ Sauce Ingredients

Start mixing together all the ingredients until it gets pretty warm. (not boiling though) Then turn it to a low temperature and just let it warm for about 5-10 minutes.
Mix BBQ Sauce Ingredients

Spread all over your chicken. Let it marinade for a while. I let mine marinade for a whopping 10 minutes. (I was in a hurry… probably because I NEVER plan out meals)
Marinate with BBQ SAUCE

Grill it to your liking and serve with some yummy sides! I like my chicken a little on the burnt side – something our mom taught us! : )
Homemade BBQ Sauce

Thanks so much for having me over Audra! : )
I’m lucky to have such a great sister!
PS. You can bring me food whenever you like ; ) 

I’d love for you to stop over at my blog, Cherished Bliss and say Hi! You can check out some of my craft tutorials and link up any projects/recipes at my link party that runs Monday night – Friday.


  1. Thanks so much for having me - You are the best sister in the WORLD! : ) Love you!!

  2. I'm so glad to see a homemade bbq sauce! I've tried making my own and sometimes they come out too sweet or too acidity...bbq sauce can be difficult to make! I'll definitely follow your recipe next time I make it - I still have some liquid smoke in my pantry, so I'm looking forward to a good bbq once the weather warms up!
